Thursday, March 8, 2018

Time and Travel


Time and Travel:-

In our understanding of the normal flow of time, we are actually moving from the past to the future. There are different interpretations of this, but what people usually refer to as time travel usually means either getting to the future faster or travelling into the past. In any case, instead of the normal flow of time, we change the rate by some X amount. 

According to Newtonian mechanics, we either perceive time as linear and deterministic. But ever since Albert Einstein published the theory of relativity, the Newtonian conception of absolute time and space has been replaced by the idea that time has a subjective significance to everyone. In this case, time is one dimension of space-time in special relativity (SR). And of dynamically curved space-time in general relativity (GR).

From here on, the possibility of moving backwards or forwards in time might not be as farfetched as one might think. In this case, it might just be as simple as how ordinary beings can move between different points in space.

 There are many different hypothetical answers for time travel, and over the years, those scenarios have been put forward by notable scientists. Essentially, these scenarios are different from the notion of a physical machine with levers and dials that H.G. Wells proposed.

Einstein also previously showed that time actually runs differently in different situations. This basically implies that time passes at different rates for different observers based on their travelling speed. 

 Here’s a very interesting example. The astronauts onboard the ISS orbit the Earth at 28,000 km/h (17,500 miles/h). Taking into account the conflicting factors of GR and SR, we’ll get the net time dilation effects on the astronauts with respect to an observer on the planet’s surface.

The astronaut onboard the spaceship will get a TimeDilation of -0.000026 seconds per day. For a typical crew member who stays on the ISS for 6 months, the total time dilation would be about 5 milliseconds. In such a case where the astronaut has a twin, the astronaut has experienced less passage of time than his twin counterpart who remained on the Earth’s surface.

Giving the option to fast-forward through time is a pretty cool idea. Though it would be a one-way process where you wouldn't have the chance to go back. There might, however, be some scientific basis within the theory of relativity, supporting the possibility of time travel under certain scenarios.

There was a scientist named Kurt Gödel in the early 19th century. He showed that there are some solutions to the field equations of GR. It describes space-time so warped that they contain “closed time-like curves”. This is where an individual time-cone twists and closes in on itself. It allows a path from the present to the past or to the future. 

 Since we're on the topic, we'll mention a few notable attempts by popular scientists on time travel.

In 1994, Theoretical physicist Miguel Alcubierre proposed a speculative scenario. This involves a spacecraft that would contract space in front of it, and expand space behind it. If this shortcut is taken, it will result in effective faster-than-light travel. You might even be able to use it for time travel.

Other theoretical physicists have been thinking about these kinds of shortcuts as well. For example, Kip Thorne and Paul Davies think it's possible to use a wormhole and travel through space-time. In a similar way as GR could be used to make instantaneous spatial travel plausible.


The "scientific" description of you, me and everything is "energy". We don't know what energy is. We can quantify it, however, in essence what is it? we have no idea. And energy takes different forms, like elementary particles, which in turn become atoms, molecules and part of the end result is "us". We know energy is governed by laws and constants which naturally takes us to the inevitable conclusion: we are governed by those constants and laws. Before discovery of quantum physics, this would mean we are completely deterministic objects. Quantum physics showed us that we are not 100% deterministic. We are limited by laws but still we are unpredictable (we can calculate probabilities of what we might do next, but we don't know what we will do next until we do it). What do all these mean for us? Who are we? or what are we? Why do atoms and molecules pile up and "make" us? to live longer? All the atoms in our bodies are almost 15 billions of years old. What we call life is just another state in which they continue existing; nothing more; nothing special about it. How can we make sense of all these? Can we make sense of all these? If we are only, and only, condensed energy, there is no such a thing as making sense of things. There is only energy going through one state to another state "mindlessly".  Pretty scary and dark explanation of our existence, is the pure scientific one.

Science is only a tool; only a methodology we use to "make sense" of the universe. It does not tell us why things are the way they are. It tells us how we can construct theories and how we can use methods to test them, so that, we can do all these in an objective way. Science is an extremely limited way of looking into existence. Are my feelings objective? No. Are they scientific? No. Or, should I greet my neighbour every morning? Should I have an extra spoon of ice cream today? Or why do we do science? Do we have to do science? Say for our survival? Our survival has no meaning given particles making up our physical bodies existed for billions of years and they will continue to exist, perhaps longer. 

I will jump to my personal understanding, rather than "destroying ourselves" using science. To me, existence of The Creator makes more sense than anything else, including my own existence. The Creator, who logically must be All-Knowing, All-Powerful, capable of creating a free agent (my soul for example) with life, creating a universe in which those free agents can grow up, examine, study, learn, make sense of it... freely... is the only logical answer I can think of. We don't see the Creator, or souls, or anything which would "force" us to believe and accept. Creator made us free and as part of making that choice freely, we will always be bothered by our existence, but we will never find an answer. That will remain as a matter of choice and it has always been like that.

Monday, June 29, 2015

How Can A Specific Earth Energy Weaken Human Health?

Imagine having a house right above the highway (the energy equivalent of a ley line), or above a rushing river (an underground water current).
How does that feel? How does your body feel?
We are talking about underground formations, so it might be hard to understand the relation between invisible factors, but just because we cannot see it does not mean it's not there!

The vibrations emitted by various earth energies do not cause a specific illness, but rather lower a person's immunity to fight diseases. If your bed is placed above underground water current, all your body can do is try hard to keep its basic balance. It does not have enough energy left to focus on regenerating and replenishing itself.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

How Do I Know if My House Has Geopathic Stress?

Answer to this question, 

You will inquire into the state of your house, as well as the state of your health. Usually, there are only 2 ways people come to inquire about geopathic stress - they either know for sure that there is a present of geopathic stress in their home and they are looking for solutions; or they are just curious to find out about it.
If you have any repeated health concerns, or emotional problems with family members, in other words, if there is an insistent presence of any unwanted energies in your family house, best to check your house for geopathic stress. You can do that yourself with "dowsing" or you can find a professional dowser to help you.
The house symptoms of geopathic stress can express themselves anywhere from constant water leakages to cold and damp areas, or in more subtle ways, such as a very restless energy in your bedroom.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Understanding the location and movement of the unseen earth energies and how they influence humans' well-being is called geomancy. It is basically the knowledge of utilizing healing earth energies and avoiding potentially harmful ones when building any type of structure.
This knowledge has been used in old cultures all over the world. Depending on your situation, you might or might not need to explore the topic of geomancy to further your well-being.
However, one important topic I urge you to explore is the modern EMF pollution. I know you have probably heard about it many times, but are you actually aware how polluted is your home, EMF-wise?

Let me give you one small example. Just the electrical alarm clock close to your bed generates an EMF field of about 5-10 mG, which is much higher than the safe level of max 1 mG.
Do you have your cell phone nearby when you sleep? Are there any other electrical appliances close to your bed? Is your bedroom close to your home office, where the wireless connection and the computers are on 24/7?How about the bedrooms of your children? There is no need to do the math here.

Notice I am asking you to focus only on your bedroom for now. While you cannot always have control over your EMF exposure during the day, you can certainly control the exposure in your home. A low EMF exposure is especially important at night, when your body is doing most of the regenerative and healing work.

Some solutions in dealing with high EMFs are pretty easy - go for battery operated alarm clock versus an electrical one, do not have your cell phone close to your body when you sleep. Some solutions might require much more effort and time, but this is a better option that weakening your immune system and watching your body manifest dis-ease.

The damaging effect of EMF pollution is cumulative. Even though exposure to high EMFs has been scientifically linked to a myriad of illnesses, it often takes time to see its effect on the physical body. Some people will react to it quite quickly, and others, with a stronger immune system, will take longer to respond.

Be smart and lessen yours and your family exposure to high EMFs.
There are three good ways to do this:
1. The EMF fields weaken with distance from the source, so, for example, if you have a choice of where to locate your home office, choose to have it as far from your bedroom as possible.
2. Reduce the use of electrical equipment close to your bed, as well as close the areas where you spend a lot of time. Ask yourself: Do I really need to have the wireless on all the time? Do I really need to have the cell phone close to me when I am sleeping? Re-route the cell calls to your home phone and turn off the wireless when not needed.
3. Choose high quality EMF protection devices for your home or office. There are many EMF protection products on the market, have the due diligence research done and go for the EMF protection products that are right for you.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What is Geopathic Stress in A Home?

If your house is suffering from geopathic stress, you will have to search for good solutions. In most cases, geopathic stress can be dealt with and the strong earth energies can be either redirected or neutralized in order to create a healthier energy in the house.

Before you find the best cure, or solution for a geopathic stress house, you will have to clearly define what type of geopathic stress your home is experiencing.There are many types of earth energies that can create difficulties in a human dwelling, you will need to either dowse yourself or look for a professional dowser for help.It is important to understand that none of the earth energies we are dealing with are dangerous or malevolent, there is no need for fear. The reason these energies are challenging for human health is because their strong vibrations can weaken a person's immune system if one is exposed to them for a long period of time.

So, it is wise to avoid spending too much time (or let alone having your bed!) in an area where there is a strong presence of earth energies such as an underground water stream, for example, or a crossing of Hartmann or Benker lines.If you decide to dowse by yourself, be sure to formulate very clear questions about specific type of geopathic stress your house might be experiencing. Is it a fast underground river that is disturbing the energy in your bedroom? Or, is it a crossing of earth lines that is creating an overpowering field in your children's room?In addition to being very specific, accept that you might be dealing with a combination of earth energies. You might have an underground water stream, for example, as well as a crossing of Benker lines; maybe even some geologic anomalies or vortexes.
The more you know about geopathic stress including specific earth grid lines, such as Hartmann, Benker, Curry lines and other, the more effective your solutions will be. The influence of earth energies might not be constant, but rather cyclical. More often than not, the intensity of an underground river flow will change with the seasons, as well as with the lunar tides.In most cases, it does not really make a difference if you live in a house or in an apartment building with many floors. Some earth energies can be felt just a strong, if not even stronger, on the 12th floor (as compared to the ground floor) because of specific building materials.

Are there good solutions to help you neutralize the geopathic stress in your home?

Yes, there are many solutions you can explore. The first, and most practical, solution is to:

Reposition Your Furniture. If your bed, your desk or your living room furniture (where you tend to spend a lot of time) happens to be in a geopathic stress area, you need to reposition it. If this is not possible, or if the geopathic stress area is too big/covers most of your house, explore further solutions for geopathic stress.

They are generally divided into two categories: tools to neutralize the energy of your home and various tools to strengthen your own, personal energy.
1. Geopathic Stress Solutions for A Home. There are many instruments on the market that are designed to clear a home or an office from harmful vibrations. Geopathic tools such as Space Harmonizers, Pyramids, Energy Plates, Geo Resonators, Crystals and even devices that employ laser beams are used to protect the energy of a home.

One popular, and very simple, method is to place copper, brass or steel rods (you can also use rings or wires) at specific points in the ground around your house, or in specific areas inside your home. The points where they need to be placed can be identified by dowsing.

In order to make this method work, you have to know the direction of the flow of earth lines you need to block/neutralize, as well as the distance between them. Basically, when you place specific tools in specific areas of your home, you are creating a grid of safe energy.
2. Personal Energy Geopathic Stress Protection Tools. There is a wide variety of personal energy tools to help strengthen your energy and protect from geopathic stress (as well as EMF Radition). These tools are made by using various type of technologies, materials and designs. You can find them under various names, from Personal Protection Pendants to Bio-Shield or Bio-Resonance Pendants, Tesla Pendants, and other.

Most of the geopathic stress personal protection tools come as pendants made with crystals, silver or gold. Some look very attractive and can be worn as jewelry, and some are worn unnoticed. The price range is anywhere from Rs.2500 for a simple pendant to over Rs. 18000 for a pendant made from gold; you can find a variety of options and info on-line.
Because this is a relatively new field, be sure to research it well and compare not only the prices but also the effectiveness of each tool that might help you. As with everything new, do not hesitate to ask as many questions as needed in order to make the right choice.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Other Symptoms and Signs of Geopathic Stress


Bad neighbour syndrome

Social symptoms can include vandalism, burglary, fighting and warfare, corruption, financial decay, and bad luck in all its forms. Bad neighbour syndrome can frequently be traced to a Sha stream flowing from aggressor to victim.

Sick building syndrome

The World Health Organisation estimate that 30% of offices, hotels, institutions and industrial premises have SBS. causing: headaches, tension between staff, lethargy, respiratory infection, dry skin and throat, eye symptoms, loss of concentration, depression, stress and fatigue, leading to a high rate of absenteeism, increased staff turnover, and lowered morale. While electro-, micro-, and radio wave and chemical pollution are undoubtedly major factors, SBS is generally rooted in the presence of Sha streams under the property. Sha Qi can be spread from the path of the streams throughout a building by the steel construction frame, wiring loom and pipework, just as it is spread along railway tracks or a metal bed frame. Thus a steel-framed cattle shed with Sha streams running through it will usually feel much more unhappy than a brick and wood barn.

Geopsychic stress

Haunting of earth-bound human ghosts and other entities, including poltergeist activity are invariably tied to negative earth energies. Ghost and spirit release and exorcism performed without attention to cleaning up the local earth energies can sometimes result in a new crop in the next day.
Dislocated nature spirits and disturbed landscape entities can also hold trauma to the earth’s etheric web within the landscape, and are often the bearers of emotion (apathy, grief, fear, anger, etc.) in the atmosphere of a place.
Predecessor Qi (memory and atmosphere of past events in a place) will be thicker and more troublesome with GS.

Physical decay

The path of a Sha stream can often be traced within the home by following the piles of chronically unresolved clutter across a house. Other clues include piles of rubbish, cracks in glass, brick and plaster work, recurring mechanical and electrical breakdowns, derelict areas, and accident black spots both within the home and outside. Fruit and vegetables, grain, ale, cheese, jam, wine and photographic film will all spoil quickly when stored in the wrong place.

Recurrent bad luck

Poor workmanship,
Hostile staff relations,
Difficulty selling a property.


In the animal realm, most mammals instinctively avoid spending time over Sha streams, gravitating instead to Sheng Qi streams i.e. the healthy, free-flowing earth meridians. Dogs will instinctively avoid kennels and beds on GS lines, though obedience to their human’s instructions can be the death of them. Birds are reckoned to be most sensitive, and horses most resilient, though many chronically ill or injury-prone horses are found to be stabled on Sha streams.
Cats, owls, corvids, snakes, slugs and snails are however attracted to Sha streams, and a cat’s favorite sleeping place (in the absence of an obvious source of warmth) is very often a sure clue to the location of a Sha stream crossing. Local cats will gather in the neighborhood GS hot-spot. A cat who regularly sleeps in the same spot on a bed is certainly performing a diagnostic, and possibly a protective function, though if the GS is too strong the cat will also suffer. Insects, parasites, bacteria and viruses also thrive on Sha streams, and ant and wasp nests invariably provide a similar clue: thus a Sha stream is the right location for a beehive.


Clues to the path of a Sha stream in the vegetable world include lightning-struck trees, dead or stunted gaps in hedges and avenues of trees, infertile fruit trees, cankers, and strangely twisted trees (usually in the direction of current flow). Fruit trees are the most sensitive, while oaks, redwoods and ashes are more resilient, and elders seem to be positively attracted. Lawns will often betray bare patches, moss, silver weed and fungi, while vegetable gardens will reveal stunted or mutated growth, especially along the edge lines of the Sha streams.
Ivy, bindweed, nettles, docks, thistles, foxgloves, ferns and nightshades are naturally attracted, and indeed the appropriate medicinal herbs for a sick person are usually to be found in the garden along the path of a Sha stream running though their bed.

Geopathic stress and feng shui

Geopathic Stress and Earth Acupuncture have always been an integral if esoteric part of Feng Shui practice. Where the Feng Shui form of a building or landscape is poor, the effects of GS will be worse. Where a GS line runs across or through other key points in a property besides the bed, such as the front door, front gate, or center of a house, the quality of Qi entering the property will be compromised and the whole building will suffer.
Where GS lines coincide with Compass School sectors, for example in a Ba Gua, Ba Zhai, Ming Gua or Fei Xing chart, the type of effect that the GS will provoke can be anticipated – it can deplete a good portent or activate a bad one. For example, in my own professional experience, every single bedroom surveyed belonging to a child who has died has suffered from medium to strong GS lines in conjunction with the Jue Ming (severed fate) Ba Zhai portent in their bedroom.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Medical Implications of Geopathic Stress

         In the sensitive or weak patient, or in anyone exposed for a sufficient length of time, geopathic stress may be sufficient to overcome the body’s natural homeostatic regulation and lead into a disease spiral, presenting at first a confused non-specific symptom picture. Measurable physiological effects of geopathic stress include changes in the electrical polarity of the cell membrane with impeded ionization across the cell wall; altered spin oscillation and proton resonance of protein molecules; faulty hydrogen bonding; disturbed mesenchyme base regulation, hormone balance and pH values.
The most frequently found symptoms occurring at an early stage of exposure to geopathic stress, perhaps immediately upon moving to a new house, are sleep disturbances. The siting of a patient’s bed seems to be the most important factor, after which come favorite chair, desk, room in which most working time is spent, and so forth.
Pathological symptoms can include restlessness, difficulty in getting to sleep, excessive dreaming, excessively heavy sleep and sleep requirements, waking un-refreshed, cold or restless feet and legs in bed, asthma and respiratory difficulties at night, fatigue and lethargy, unexplained mood changes, aggression and depression.
Patients often wake up at an odd angle in bed, perhaps on the edge of the bed as far as possible from the center of stress, while children might sleep-walk. Cats tend to prefer sleeping over a stress hot-spot, other things like warmth being equal; dogs and most other mammals prefer to avoid them. It is interesting to see the mechanism whereby healthy humans are naturally sensitive to avoiding such stressed areas, while humans on a disease cycle naturally gravitate in spite themselves to sleeping in beds whose geography enhances their pathological tendency (in much the same way that patients displaying the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) syndrome of Spleen Yang deficiency love bananas, and therefore further increase the Cold Phlegm in their system. The two broad categories of geopathic disturbance are yin – the discharging field, and yang – the charging field, ranging from the geomagnetic baseline of 65,000 nano-Tesla by up to 8,000 nT either way.
The yin fields are associated with underground water flows, underground caverns and rock hollows, the running water causing a decrease in the intensity of the rocks’ geomagnetic field strong enough to influence living organisms on the surface. Where two underground streams cross the effect is enhanced.
The pathological states associated with the yin fields manifest first as the above-noted sleep disturbances and mental symptoms. Over time, in the idiom of TCM, Qi Xu (energy deficiency) syndromes worsen to become Xue Xu (Blood deficiency) and Wei (wasting and paralyzing) conditions – fatigue, neurasthenia, depression, arthritis, diabetes mellitus, cancers, multiple sclerosis, myopathies and neuropathies and other degenerative disorders.
These zones in space, represented at their strongest as a crossing point of two unhealthy underground streams, represent energy sinks sacred to the degenerative and dissolute forces, As such they are exceptionally good sites for compost heaps, for letting go of angry grievances, or for cooling off hyperactive children for a few minutes, but less helpful to the regenerative aspect of health and healing.
The yang fields are especially associated with fault zones and with coal and oil deposits. Found in such regions are changes in ionization, infra-red emission and AC & DC current; low frequency atmospheric pulsations with increased probability of lightning strikes; and low-level radiation emissions. As might be expected, yang fields lead to Qi Shi (energy excess) states such as hypertension, cardiac problems, strokes, migraines, epileptic fits, gastritis, alcoholism, mania and schizophrenia.
Global geomagnetic grid crossing points can be associated with both yin and yang fields.
A survey of the world’s literature concerning GS shows a remarkable concordance of experience regarding the medical symptoms associated with exposure. For example, a list of known symptoms from the Chinese Feng Shui tradition that I was given in 1996 was identical in every respect to a list that I had myself previously compiled from the Western literature and my own experience:
CANCER is the most notorious of these, and tumors are known to develop almost always at exactly the spot where two or more GS lines cross a person’s body as they lie asleep in their bed. All mammals are considered to produce cancerous cells on a continual basis, though they are also continuously destroyed by the body’s immune system. Stress on the immune system caused by GS is seen as responsible for the resulting overgrowth of cancer cells. Professional dowsers tell many stories of patients whose tumors have ‘mysteriously’ disappeared after moving their sleeping position away from the GS lines.
LEUKAEMIAS & LYMPHOMAS are particularly associated with a strong electro pollution component within the GS lines.
all diagnosed as ‘Earth element disorders’ in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
INFERTILITY (storks will not visit, let alone nest on geopathically stressed locations!),
Women are considered more likely to be at risk from geopathic stress because their hormonal systems are more susceptible. Foresight, the British pre-conception care organization, now suggest that all couples trying for a baby should get their homes checked for geopathic stress and electromagnetic stress.
N.B. a baby girl is born with approximately 25,000 eggs, which will all be affected by GS if the maternal bed during pregnancy is compromised, thus potentiating genetic weakness in future generations.
Has well-established connections with exposure to geopathic and electromagnetic stress, microwave communication transmissions, proximity to nuclear power plants and research establishments, and baby dribble reacting with fire-retardant chemicals in cot mattresses (as well as a compromised breathing control mechanism in the brain-stem caused by an impacted occiput at birth, and treatable with cranial osteopathy).

Can often be relieved simply by moving the cot a few feet away from the geopathogenic zone. Babies repeatedly found sleeping in one corner or edge of the cot, (or children and adults repeatedly falling out of bed), is probably an instinctual attempt to escape from the worst of the GS. The diagrams below, from respected British dowser Rolf Gordon, are cases where babies have been trying to avoid GS in their sleep. All the babies slept peacefully after their cots were moved to a Geopathic Stress free place.CHILDREN BED WETTING,
The respected Austrian researcher Kathe Bachler surveyed over 3000 school children, and showed 95% of children with learning difficulties, hyperactive tendencies or continuous bad behaviour, either slept or had their school desks (or both) in locations with marked GS. When she moved the children into stress free places, they nearly all showed a marked improvement, often going from bottom to top of their class in one term. She concluded that GS affects a high proportion of children who continuously play truant or who are refused places in ordinary schools due to misbehaviour. Class teachers in schools suffering with GS have a high rate of absenteeism.
Exposure to GS during childhood can make a person particularly sensitive to GS for the rest of their life, as well as prone to choose to inhabit places with a similar and familiar level of geopathic stress.
The symptoms of M.E. include:
M.E. is usually triggered by the contraction of a virus such a glandular fever, an emotional shock or a physical accident, and displays symptoms of a compromised immune system, particularly of the spleen and thymus. It is almost invariably a disease with a strong GS component.
Chronic candida overgrowth, while linked directly to antibiotic use, almost invariably has a strong GS component.
The person may have difficulty sleeping as the body is on continuous alert.
BAD DREAMS (you may be sharing aspects of the same nightmare as others asleep on the same disturbed water line)
AWAKEN FEELING UNREFRESHED in the morning, or with:
Of all types, including
PITUITARY – giantism, dwarfism, etc…
THYROID – hyper or hypo
ADRENAL – hyper or hypo
HEART DISEASES of all types,
CROHN’S DISEASE e.g. an area of East Grinstead in Sussex famous among local G.P.s for having an unusually high concentration of patients suffering from this debilitating bowel disorder.
KIDNEY STONES e.g. ditto in a street in Newick, Sussex.
Sore joints will often coincide exactly with the crossing point of negative earth energy lines on the bed.
OBSESSIONS (the focus of the obsession may be explicable in terms of the causal trauma to the local earth meridians)
To drink, food, or environmental triggers.
Which dramatically worsen on returning home.
And therefore finding excuses not to.
Long-term physical & mental illnesses where present treatment does not seem to work.
Many hospital nurses talk of some beds having a reputation where occupying patients seem to have more difficulty in recovering or where the death rate is higher.
Baron von Pohl came to the conclusion towards the end of his career that every single disease of humanity could be linked to disturbed underground streams with the single exception of gout (I have encountered one case of gout that was directly attributable to GS, which no doubt shows that we each have our blind spots!).
In the acupuncture tradition a point on the hand just distal to the fourth and fifth metacarpal junction (Triple Heater 3-1/3rd) is a prime Geopathic Stress test point, for both diagnosis and treatment.
Kinesiology (muscle testing), electro-dermal screening devices such as the MORA and VEGA machines, and Blood Crystalline Analysis may also be employed to diagnose GS as significant for a patient.