Friday, January 29, 2010

What is Geopathic Stress ?

Geopathic Stress is a relatively new term that covers the relationship between earth energies and people's well-being.

"Geo" obviously means "Earth" (or "Land"). The term "Pathic" is a very interesting one. It indicates both a disease, as well as a cure for disease. It also indicates the ability to feel, perceive or be sensitive to specific energies (as in telepathic).

The most accurate definition of geopathic stress is the study of earth energies and their effect on human well-being. You will find that sometimes there will be more topics included under the same "geopathic stress" umbrella, such as the sick building syndrome, or the EMF Pollution (Electro Magnetic Field). This is not exactly accurate, so we will stay with the original definition of geopathic stress as the study of earth energies and their effect on human health.
There are various types of earth energies, some very beneficent for human health, and some detrimental. In ancient times the feng shui masters and geomancers were familiar with the earth currents; they knew which sites to recommend for building, and which sites to avoid.
We have lost interest in this knowledge in the modern times, and are coming back to it now because there is an increase in the number of geopathic stress related diseases.
Basically, various underground formations, such as subterranean water currents, specific mineral deposits, or different fault lines emit specific electromagnetic fields that can be harmful for a human dwelling.

If you are just passing through an area with geopathic stress, there will be little or no concern. However, if your house is located in a geopathic stress area, you really need to understand what is happening and find appropriate solutions to protect your health.

If you tend to get sick often, experience low energy, cannot sleep well, and your cat loves to spend time in your bed, it is important to check your house, especially your bedroom, for geopathic stress.